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CIM Workouts

Workouts section for Channel Island Masters, located in Santa Barbara and Carpinteria, California

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Workouts during my vacation

Hi everyone,

During my vacation, both the YMCA and Carpinteria pools will still be having workouts at the regular times, so keep swimming and I'll see you when I get back on Monday, October 23.

You are welcome to use the workouts listed below, or come up with your own. If you make up a workout, I would definitely like to see it, so please feel free to post it on the Blog. I am always interested in getting new ideas and perspectives for workouts, so that we can keep it fresh. Let me know your favorite sets!

So here we go with the workouts. There are 3 groups designated by the base pace your lane typically does 50's. Each group has 5 workouts, but feel free to try any of the workouts if you would like to increase or decrease the intensity of your workout. I've added a little something new to the workouts, in that along with the interval times, the amount of effort to be put into the set is also listed (LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH). What this means is, even if a set has an assigned interval time that is easy for you to hit, but the level of effort is listed as high, then make sure to work the set (and enjoy lots of rest!). In sets with no intervals, the rest should be 10-30 seconds, and rests between the sets should be no longer than 2 minutes. All workouts should take between 1 hour and 1.5 hours to complete. The groups are as follows: (Group 1) .45 seconds and under base pace; (Group 2) 50-1:00 base pace; (Group 3) 1:05 and over base pace. Please feel free to adjust the time intervals or sets accordingly, but keep the level of effort high while I'm gone so that we're all ready to jump into the Winter season when I return =)

Workout #1
-100 swim / 100 kick / 100 swim - choice - WARM-UP (LOW)
-300 swim/free build-up (LOW TO HIGH)
-6x50 swim/choice / 1:20-1:30 interval (MEDIUM)
-200 swim/free build-up (LOW TO HIGH)
-4x50 swim/choice / 1:20-1:30 interval (MEDIUM)
-100 swim/free build-up (LOW TO HIGH)
-2x50 swim/choice / 1:20-1:30 interval (MEDIUM)
-100 swim/free SPRINT (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
1600 total yards

Workout #2
-300 swim/choice - WARM-UP (LOW)
-6x50 swim/ alternate 50 drill and 50 choice 10-20 sec rest between (MEDIUM)
-4x100 swim/free alternate 100 (HIGH) and 100 (LOW) 20 sec rest between
-5x50 kick/choice (MEDIUM) rest 10-20 sec between
-2(5x50) swim/free / 1:10-1:20 interval (CHALLENGE SET - VERY HIGH)
-8x25 swim/choice / rest 10-15 sec between (MEDIUM)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
1950 total yards

Workout #3
-200 swim / 200 kick - WARM-UP (LOW)
-10x50 swim/free / start at 1:05 for 2, add 5 sec to the interval for each 2 (HIGH)
-200 kick/choice (HIGH)
-4x100 swim/choice / rest 20-30 sec between (MEDIUM)
-6x25 kick/choice / rest 10-20 sec between (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
1650 total yards

Workout #4
-300 swim/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-5x100 swim/free / 1:30 interval (LOW)
-4x100 swim/free / 1:20 interval (MEDIUM)
-3x100 swim/free / 1:10 interval (HIGH)
-8x25 kick/choice / rest 10-20 sec between (MEDIUM)
-8x25 swim/choice / rest 10-20 sec between (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
1900 total yards

Workout #5
-100 swim/choice 100 kick/choice 100 swim/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-8x50 swim/choice / rest 10-20 sec between (MEDIUM)
-6x100 swim/free / 1:20 interval (HIGH)
-8x25 swim/choice / rest 10-20 sec between (HIGH)
-400 swim/free build-up (LOW-HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
1900 total yards

BASE PACE .50-1:00 (GROUP 2)
Workout #1
-200 swim/choice, 100 kick/choice, 200 swim/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-50,100,150,200,200,150,100,50 swim/free (up the ladder (LOW), down the ladder (HIGH)
-4x150 swim-kick/choice (50 swim, 50 kick, 50 swim) 15-30 sec rest between (MEDIUM)
-4x100 swim/free-IM or choice (odd 100's free, even 100's IM/choice) 15-30 sec rest (HIGH)
-8x50 swim/free (first 4 on the 50, 2nd 4 on the 1:00) (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
2900 total yards

Workout #2
-300 swim/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-2x500 swim/free Build-up / rest 1:00 between (LOW-HIGH)
-3x200 swim/free / 3:45 interval (HIGH)
-4x100 swim-kick/choice / rest 10-20 sec between (MEDIUM)
-3x150 swim/free / 2:40 interval (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
2750 total yards

Workout #3
-100 swim, 100 kick, 100 swim/choic WARM-UP (LOW)
-6x50 swim/drill (25 drill, 25 free) - drill is 1-arm or fingertip drag or catch-up / rest 10 (LOW) -6x100 swim/choice / 2:10 interval (MEDIUM)
-3(4x50) swim/free / .50 interval (CHALLENGE SET - VERY HIGH)
-2(3x100) swim/choice-IM / 2:00 interval (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
2400 total yards

Workout #4
-300 swim/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-50x50 swim/choice-free (1-24 choice (LOW), 1:05 interval / 25-50 free (HIGH), .55 interval
-300 kick/choice (MEDIUM)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
3100 total yards

Workout #5
-200 swim, 100 kick/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-8x50 swim/free / 1:00 interval (MEDIUM)
-6x100 swim/free / 2:00 interval (HIGH)
-8x50 swim/free / .55 interval (HIGH)
-6x100 swim/free / 1:50 interval (HIGH)
-8x50 swim/choice / 1:05 interval (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
2700 total yards

Workout #1
-200 swim, 100 kick, 200 swim WARM-UP (LOW)
-8x50 swim (alternate 50 free, 50 choice) / 1:00 interval (MEDIUM)
-3(5x100) swim/free-IM (odd 100 free / 1:30 interval & even 100 IM / 1:45 interval (HIGH)
-8x50 swim/free - (1-4 .40 interval, 5-8 .45 interval - NON-STOP (HIGH)
-10x25 swim/choice / 10-15 sec rest between (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
3050 total yards

Workout #2
-300 swim/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-100,200,300,400,500 swim/free Build-up for each (LOW-HIGH)
-4x100 swim-kick/choice (alternate 100 swim, 100 kick) 10-20 sec rest between (MEDIUM)
-2(6x50) swim/free / .40 interval with 2:00 break between sets (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
2800 total yards

Workout #3
-200 swim/choice, 100 kick/choice, 200 swim/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-12x50 swim/free (1-4 on the 1:00, 5-8 on the .50, 9-12 on the .40) (HIGH)
-10x100 swim/free / 1:20 interval (CHALLENGE SET - VERY HIGH)
-200 swim/choice / recovery swim (LOW)
-300 kick/choice (MEDIUM)
-10x50 swim/IM (100 IM order) / .55 interval (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
3100 total yards

Workout #4
-200 swim, 100 kick/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-10x50 swim/drill (50 swim, 50 dril - 1-arm or fingertip drag or catch-up) rest 15 (MEDIUM)
-6x150 swim/ (alternate 150 free, 150 IM without free) / 2:30 interval (HIGH)
-2x400 swim/free / 6:00 interval (HIGH)
-3x200 swim-kick/choice (200 swim, 200 kick, 200 swim) / rest 20 sec between (MEDIUM)
-2(5x100) swim/free (1-1:15, 2-1:25, 3-1:35, 4-1:45, 5-1:55) / rest 2:00 between sets (HIGH)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
4100 total yards

Workout #5
-300 swim/choice WARM-UP (LOW)
-20x50 swim/choice / .50 sec interval (MEDIUM)
-400 swim/IM (MEDIUM)
-300 swim/free Build-up (LOW-HIGH)
-200 swim/IM (HIGH)
-100 swim/free (HIGH-TIMED!)
-12x50 swim/choice (.35-.45-.55 4 times through) (HIGH)
-6x50 kick/choice / 10-20 sec rest between (MEDIUM)
-50-200 COOL DOWN (LOW)
3100 total yards